We fully expect the race for top jobs to continue its toughness in 2021, with application numbers higher than ever and a large amount of job seekers in the market for new opportunities. The latest job market report reveals that job applications soared by a massive 32% in June, as candidates continued to look for new work opportunities. Alongside this, there were 106% more applicants battling it out for every job than there was a year ago.
It’s no longer enough to simply apply for a position and let your CV and cover letter do all of the work for you, it’s time to get networking and selling.
What more can you do to get that dream job, and how can your agency partners help you with this?
Pick up the phone & build relationships
This may seem obvious, but if you’re really going to add value to your job search, you need to ensure that agencies specialising in your sector and locations know about you. Have you had more than 3 conversations with them in the last month? Have you jumped onto a video interview with them and highlighted your skill set and personality?
Recruitment done well and efficiently is personal, professional and relationship driven. Don’t put the onus just on the Recruiter to build that relationship, share responsibility for it.
However, any decent recruiter will know that in order to really add value to somebody’s job search, they need to really know what makes you tick, what your aspirations are and marry you up with clients that align with what you want. The best relationships work both ways, so don’t accept the old fashioned “don’t call us, we’ll call you” attitude.
Build a network on LinkedIn
First of all, although it is not everyone’s cup of tea, we would advise all to have a LinkedIn account now. You never know when the right opportunity comes knocking from an employer or recruiter, but you also have very limited control over the security of your job in the future.
Therefore, a strong network on LinkedIn not only increases your chances of being seen and noticed when you’re a passive job seeker, but it gives you great exposure when you’re actively in the market.
Build up your recommendations and follow companies of interest, keeping an eye on any direct job vacancies or interesting news, such as acquisitions or mergers which could create new openings.
Partner with specialist agencies that demonstrate they care
Ensure you’re connected with the best Recruiters in your area that demonstrate a passion for quality within the industry and of course, have the right jobs available. Also bear in mind that when you’re looking for an agency to work with, name does not determine success, and how long they’ve been trading is also rarely a success factor. Industries adapt and change, and recruitment is in the fast lane with this.
A business is only as good as the Consultant’s working for it and the relationship you have with them. Don’t expect a specialist agency to provide the best service if there are no specialists within the business to really drive your career forward.
There are now over 40,000 registered recruitment agencies in the UK, so don’t accept a poor recruitment service just because you think they’re best placed to help. Recruitment should always be more than a tick box exercise. Find an agency that understands this and measures the candidate experience as highly as the job outcome.